Posts Tagged ‘internship’

A gallery by Vincent Laforet

November 10, 2008

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “A gallery by Vincent Laforet“, posted with vodpod

As Vincent puts it,

“For years now, I’ve been waiting for someone to take full advantage of the web and to allow photographers to better connect with their audiences. I’ve always found that traditional media rarely offer up a way for photographers to connect directly with their readers/viewers. Photoshelter has just recently released a little widget that allows anyone to embed flash galleries in their (and other people’s) websites. This tool allows photographers to easily share their images – and perhaps to generate some income. In this case – you can simply view the photographs within the widget – and if you’d like, you can purchase a print as well. I think this has a tremendous potential – so much so, that I’m going to try to encourage you to embed this gallery into your personal sites (or publications!) by applying all of the profits from these print sales for the next 30 days to a student internship/scholarship…Yep – all of the income (minus the cost of printing, labor, and shipping) will be put towards a student internship/scholarship that I set up. I’ll determine how to select the student (and perhaps students depending on how popular this experiment becomes) and how the money will be dispersed etc. I will work out all of these details at the end of the 30 days once I know how much we have raised and how we can maximize those $$$ to best benefit a student (or students)… Sounds fun no? One more benefit – there are a total of 88 images in this gallery – all but the first one are limited edition prints. The first image in the gallery of an aerial of Times Square however – will be offered at a significant discount – often more than 10 times cheaper than the limited edition prints (see image below.)”

I’m a huge fan of his work and love the idea.